Thermal Heat Recovery
In the realm of industrial VOC emission treatment processes, Solvent Recovery Units (SRUs) play a crucial role in safeguarding the environment by reclaiming valuable solvents and preventing their release into the atmosphere. However, conventional SRU designs often face limitations in energy efficiency, leading to significant energy consumption and environmental impact. To address these concerns, a groundbreaking technology known as DEC.THRx™ has emerged, offering an unparalleled approach to energy recovery and enhanced sustainability.
The DEC.THRx™ (part of the DEC.ULP™ - Ultra-Loop™) process configuration can deliver a remarkable 30% reduction in the heat thermal balance of the Solvent Recovery Units (SRU), translating into substantial energy savings and increased process efficiency. This innovative technology demonstrates DEC continuous pursuit of enhanced energy efficiency in SRU processes, paving the way for sustainable and cost-effective solvent recovery solutions.
At the heart of DEC.THRx™ lies a unique combination of energy recovery processes applied to SRUs™ • Solvent Recovery Units, ADM™ • dehydration systems, and DST™ • distillation systems.
DEC.THRx™ • harnessing waste heat
DEC.THRx™ • a paradigm shift
The introduction of DEC.THRx™ marks a significant advancement in solvent recovery technology. By recovering thermal energy in the different processes and reducing the need for external heating sources, DEC.THRx™ achieves remarkable energy efficiency gains. This innovative approach not only reduces operating costs but also contributes to sustainable industrial practices. As industries seek to optimize resource utilization and minimize their environmental footprint, DEC.THRx™ is poised to become the preferred process coupled with SRU solvent recovery method for gas phase applications.