about us | DEC • Dynamic Environmental Corporation

DEC • Dynamic Environmental Corporation can look back on a history stretching over several decades. Over this period, what was once a local company gradually developed into a globally active and integrated Corporation.

A global partner of PRAXAIR Inc., one of the largest industrial gases companies in the world and the largest in North and South America, a Fortune 250 company with 2014 global sales of USD 12.3 billion: a team of 27,000 employees in more than 50 countries, working together toward one mission — making our planet more productive.

solvent recovery, activated carbon, flexible packaging, rotogravure, roto, lamination, coating, flexo, flexography, ethyl acetate, alcohol, ethanol, ethyl alcohol, mek, methyl ethyl ketone, hexane, toluene, toluol, adsorption, regeneration, dehydration, distillation, nitrogen, steam, automatic recirculation system, liquid nitrogen, nitrogen generator, psa, tsa, pressure swing, thermal swing, molecular sieves, zeolite, molsieves, carbon molecular sieves, cms, hydrophobic, tank farm, storage tanks, underground tanks, above ground tanks, VOC, COV, HAP, LEL, EPC, EPCm, EPCi, FORMIGONI, GIORGETTI, ING, DEC ITALIA, DEC S.p.A., DEC SPA, DEK, D.E.C., DEC ITALY, DECA, DECA IMPIANTI, D.E.C.A., manutenzione, CECA, italwanson, solinas, italba, recupero solventi, recupero solvente, carbone attivo, imballaggio flessibile, rotocalco, laminazione, accoppiamento, adesivi, flexo, flessografia, inceneritori, termico, rigenerativo, acetato di etile, etac, alcol etilico, etanolo, isopropanolo, stoccaggio, distribuzione, serbatoio, serbatoi, interrato, interrati, recuperation solvant, recuperation solvants, RECUPERACION DISOLVENTES, DISTILLAZIONE, DISTILLATION DESTILLACION ENVIRONMENT GAS INERTE INERT GAS GAZ AZOTO NITROGEN nitrogeno AZOTE VAPORE STEAM VAPEUR VAPOR DAMPF IMBALLAGGIO flessibile flexible PACKAGING EMBALLAGE EMBALAJE MISCELE MIXTURE MELANGE MEZCLA DEPURAZIONE ARIA PURIFICATION EPURATION TRATTAMENTO ARIA AIR TREATMENT TRAITEMENT TRATO AIRE ACQUA WATER EAU AGUA ECOLOGIA ECOLOGY ECOLOGIE INQUINAMENTO POLLUTION CHARBON ACTIF CARBON ACTIVADO PLANT INSTALLATION PLANTA LAGEN Abluft Optimierung Abluft Reinigung Losemittel Ruckgewinnung, N2, LN2, N2G, nitrogen generator

DEC | Dynamic Environmental Corporation • facts and figures

As worldwide market leaders in activated carbon solvent recovery systems, inert gas (nitrogen, N2) regenerated, DEC IMPIANTI has designed, engineered and delivered more units than any other competitor combined.

We pride ourselves on being hard working, results-driven people who are always pushing the limits of our ability and our knowledge. We are constantly seeking out projects that will challenge us. And we are passionate about the quality, creativity and impact of our work.

DEC | Dynamic Environmental Corporation • milestones

From the successful installation of the first activated carbon steam regenerated solvent recovery system for the flexible packaging industry (1970's), to the first activated carbon inert gas regenerated solvent recovery system (1980's), our engineers have remained on the leading edge of the industry.

PX - brochure

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PX - company video

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DEC - references

To download our updated REFERENCE LIST, please follow this LINK.